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Nouredine SOLTANI EN

Laboratory of Applied Animal Biology
Badji Mokhtar, University Annaba, Algeria

Nouredine SOLTANI is a full biology professor at UBMA (Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba), Algeria. In 1976 and in 1981, he obtained respectively the Engineer degree from the National Agronomic Institute of Algiers (INA) and an MSc degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Lyon I University (France).

By 1987, he completed both a 3rd cycle doctorate in physiology and a PhD in animal biology from the Burgundy University at Dijon (France). In 1992, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Burgundy University (UMR – CNRS 5548 : Developmental Biology and Chemical Communication). He is member of the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology (AAST) and the Council of the French Society of Zoology (SFZ). Professor N. SOLTANI was awarded the Scopus Prize (Algiers, 2012). He is the head of the research laboratory of applied animal biology at UBMA. During the period (2011-2014), he also led the project of the Environment Research Center of Annaba. His current research work concerns the environmental sciences particularly the mode of action of new selective pesticides, evaluation of eco-toxicological risks of pollutants on non-target organisms and bio-monitoring of ecosystems health quality. He has published over 288 technical publications, 8 books and he has given more than 21 plenary conferences. He has accomplished many biology-related research projects and has supervised 30 PhD theses.

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