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Mohamed Khodja

Research Director at Sonatrach National Oil Company/Algerian Petroleum Institute & Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technology -AAST


Mohamed Khodja is a Research Director at Sonatrach National Oil Company/Algerian Petroleum Institute. He received the state Engineer degree in Chemical Engineering from the Houari Boumediene Science and Technology University (USTHB, Algiers 1992). Since 1993, he started working at Sonatrach/Research and Development Center.

He earned his MSc degree in Geoscience, Environment and Risk from Louis Pasteur University (Strasbourg) and his PhD in Chemical Engineering and Environment in 2008 from Toulouse National Polytechnic Institute in collaboration with Research Center on Divided Matter (CRMD, Orleans, France).

He was the Director of Upstream Research and Development Division (2016 – 2018) and Director of Central Directorate of Research and Development at Sonatrach (2018-2020). His research interests were focused essentially on Oil and Gas industry: Colloid Chemistry, Reservoir Engineering, Environment and Waste Management. Mohamed Khodja was awarded the Prize of Sonatrach Cost Reduction (2003) and Sonatrach – Upstream Innovation Project (2001).

He is a Founding member of the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology. He is the founding member and General Secretary of Algerian Clay Group affiliated to AIPEA (Association Internationale pour l’Etude des Argiles). He published over 80 articles in refereed journals, 5 book chapters, 01 Book traduction, 05 patents and he has over 80 papers in international conferences. He supervised/co-supervised 13 PhD students and 70 (Masters, Magister and Engineer).