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The president of the Academy

The President of the Academy is elected , in session by the General Assembly from among the permanent members resident in Algeria, for a term of three (3) years, renewable once only by the same conditions. The President of the Academy performs the following duties:

  • He presides over and conducts the work of the formal sittings and sessions of the General Assembly, the meetings of the Bureau and the Council of the Academy, as well as coordinating their activities;
  • He assigns tasks to the bureau members;
  • He represents the Academy before various authorities at national and international level;
  • He represents the Academy in court and in all civil matters;
  • He appoints personnel for whom with no other method of appointment is provided;
  • He ensures that the decisions of the General Meeting, the Bureau and the Academy Council are implemented and followed;
  • He ensures that the Academy’s internal regulations are applied and respected;
  • He coordinates all the activities of the Academy’s bodies and ensures that they run properly;
  • He ensures the implementation of the Academy budget ;
  • He signs decisions and acts on behalf of the Academy;
  • He may delegate his signature to the secretary general, within the limits of the latter’s attributions;
  • He submits to the President of the Republic every report, recommendation, advice or study resulting from the Academy’s work;
  • He drafts the Academy’s annual report, which he submits to the President of the Republic once it has been adopted by the plenary assembly.