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Natural extracts: chemistry, natural sciences at the service of society

Biotechnology research center-constatine, october 18-19,2023

The “science, nature and society” relationship is most clearly expressed in the field of health. In fact, as far back as human consciousness goes, the products used by man to feed and treat himself have always derived from plants.
Within the framework of its role in disseminating knowledge, the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology (AAST), in conjunction with the Biotechnology Research Center of Constantine, have organized a conference entitled “Extraits naturels: Chimie, Science de la Nature au service de la Société” (“Natural extracts: chemistry, natural science at the service of society”). The purpose of these days is to promote the importance of science in society through themes anchored in traditional culture: the use of natural substances for therapeutic purposes.
Several sub-themes are addressed: (1) the scientific validation of traditional empirical knowledge derived from traditional medicine; (2) the identification and isolation of active ingredients from plants and the evaluation of their biological activity; (3) advances in spectroscopic techniques for the identification and biological evaluation of natural substances; (4) the importance of natural resources in R&D; (5) the importance of traditional diets and their impact on human health.