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Hotel El Aurassi -Algiers 28-29 september 2024

Hotel El Aurassi -Algiers 28-29 september 2024

This first edition, held after the promulgation of Law 22-02 of April 25, 2022 determining the organization, composition, functions and missions of the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology, was attended by Professor Noureddine Ghouali, Advisor to the President of the Republic in charge of National Education and Higher Education, Professor Norbert Hounkonnou, President of the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), Professor Margaret Buckingam, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Great Britain, representative of the Selection Jury of the founding members of AAST, as well as representatives of ministerial departments and national socio-economic sectors.

On this occasion, four conferences were presented by the founding members of the academy:

  • Agriculture and sustainable development: the use of selective pesticides with low environmental risks.

Prof. Soltani Noureddine.

  • -Energy and water: drivers of regional integration and the sustainable development of Africa.

Prof. Khodja Mohamed.

  • Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology.e

Prof. Touaoula Mohammed Tarik.

  • Science and technology for regional development in Algeria.


Work continued with a presentation of the academy’s current action plan. Workshops involving academics, socio-economic partners and the administration were organized around the following topics:

  • Training and research system
  • Health and food safety
  • Energy transition and security
  • Regional planning, environment and major risks

The session ended with fruitful exchanges between the national and guest Academicians, who were presented with symbolic gifts. This was followed in closed session by the adoption of AAST’s annual activity report by the founding members.