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Founding member of the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology since September, 2015 in the Physics section

Ali MEFTAH is a respected researcher with a strong international reputation in the field of ion beam physics and radiation effects in materials . He has contributed to the development of the physics of ion tracks, where he plays a leading role in an extensive study the formation of ion tracks formed in solid materials at CIMAP laboratory (Center of Research on Ions Materials and Photonics at GANIL in Caen, France. 

He was the first to put in evidence the complexity of the ion velocity effect, so-called the velocity effect in damage, track formation and sputtering induced by particle irradiation experimentally observed and related to the energy deposition in numerous materials whatever it is an insulator, a semi-conductor; a metal, organic materials or cell biology. He applied for the first time the inelastic thermal spike model to describe track formation in insulators. Pr. Ali MEFTAH is a pioneer in the development of basic and applied research on behavior of solid states materials under swift heavy ion irradiation in Algeria. He published over 60 articles in refereed journals cited over 3428 times. He supervised 06 magister and 08 PhD thesis. He has held several positions of administrative and scientific responsibility (Dean of the Faculty, Head of Research Laboratory, President of the scientific council…).

Current positions:

  • Professor in Nuclear and Atomic Physics, University August 20, 1955-Skikda, Algeria since October 1996
  • Project manager for the realization of the Petrochemical Research Center of Skikda since January 2015.
  • Research group leader “Nuclear Materials and Photovoltaic Cells” at LRPCSI (Research Laboratory on the Physicochemical of Surfaces and Interfaces), University of Skikda.


  • PhD, (in Condensed Matter), University of Caen, France (1993)
  • Magister (in Nuclear Sciences), USTHB, Algiers (1984)
  • DES (Higher Studies Diploma in Nuclear Sciences), USTHB (1980)

Title of Professor: Professor in Physics, University of Skikda, (2001)

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