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Université de Lille _ France 

Ahmed DJEBBAR is Emeritus Professor in Mathematics and History of Mathematics at the Lille’s University, France. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in mathematics at the University of Algiers (1965), a PhD in mathematics at the University of Paris XI-Orsay (1972), on the resolution of partial differential equations degenerated.

He obtained also a PhD in History of mathematics at the Nantes’s University (1990) entitled “Mathematics and mathematicians of the medieval Maghreb (9th-16th centuries): Contribution to the study of scientific activities in the Muslim West”.

He is a researcher in the History of Mathematics, associated with C.N.R.S. (U.M.R. 8524), specialist in the History of the Mathematical Activities of Al-Andalus, Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa. He has published in this field 150 research articles, 15 books translated into different languages.

He has directed or co-directed 13 Masters, 12 PhD and 4 Habilitations. He was Secretary of the International Commission for the History of Mathematics of the African Mathematical Union (1987-2013). He is a member of the International Commission for the History of Mathematics (since 1992), member of the International Academy of History of Sciences (since 2005), member of seven editorials Boards of international journals (since 1998). He received several prizes and distinctions, including the Doctor Honoris Causa from Roskilde University, Denmark (2006); the Algerian Scientist Award (Algiers, 2014); the David Eugene Smith Award, Columbia University, New York (2016) and the 2021 prize of the “Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences”.

He was elected as a founding member of the Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technologies (2015) and as a corresponding member of the Tunisian Academy of Cultural Sciences and Arts (2019).

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