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Quantum Artificial Intelligence : How To Prepare For The Next Technological Revolution?

By: Pr. Habiba Drias
Auditorium IBN ZEYDOUN-Algiers , March 2,2024

In this conference, we present an overview of the three major technological revolutions in computer science. The first revolution is probably the most significant, even if it appears almost natural to us today. This is the computer age, which emerged after the Second World War. Many advances in digitization were made until its limits began to reveal themselves. Its limits are discussed to explain the need to switch to the second great revolution in computing, artificial intelligence.

We are currently living in a world where AI technology is invading nearly every field. We are constantly discovering cutting-edge AI tools to which we must adapt. However, the scientific and technological progress of AI will not halt there. The third great revolution of the computer age is just around the corner. Its expectations are spectacular, and the transformation towards which it will plunge the world is unpredictable. Quantum computing will provide a much greater service to artificial intelligence. Quantum artificial intelligence will reveal to us everything that AI is able to invent.