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Call for applications for new permanent members of the Algerian Academy of science and technology

In accordance with the provisions of Law n°22-02 of 24 Ramadhan 1443 corresponding to April 25, 2022 and Presidential Decree n°23-72 of 23 Rajab 1444 corresponding to February 14, 2023, the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology (AAST) lanches a call for applications to recruit new permanent members. The selection procedures are defined in Article 35 of the academy internal regulations .For the 2024 session, the Academy’s General Assembly has set the number of positions open to recruitment at 25. Applicants must be of Algerian nationality and no older than 75 years on December 31, 2024.

Applicants are invited to submit their applications no later than midnight, Algiers time, on September 10th, 2024.

For more information , please follow the link : ADMISSION DE NOUVEAUX MEMBRES.