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4ème Conférence Pan-Africaine sur la Cristallographie (PCCr4)

4ème Conférence Pan-Africaine sur la Cristallographie (PCCr4) du 20 au 24 avril 2025 au complexe Mazafran à Zeralda, Alger.

4th Pan-African Conference on Crystallography (PCCr4)

Understanding the physico-chemical properties of materials inevitably involves analyzing their structural organizations, often determined by X-ray diffraction and scattering. This aspect concerns many different types of functional materials: natural or heritage materials, pharmaceutical molecules or macromolecules, agro-food, photovoltaic and magnetic materials, nanomaterials for new technologies, etc. In this context, crystallography occupies a central position and contributes to the development of several sectors and disciplines such as physics, materials science, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and mineralogy. These disciplines are closely linked to industry, health, engineering and the environment, to education, training and the mastery of new technologies essential to the economic development of our countries or to societal needs such as health, energy, the environment or emerging technologies. Cristallography can therefore play a unifying role that should inspire us to unite our efforts in order to respond effectively to the various emerging expectations and societal challenges in Africa.

This event will be an opportunity to establish real, effective partnerships between our academic and research institutions, to share our expertise and knowledge, and to involve our industrial partners in driving innovation in Africa and thinking about large-scale, shared African instrument facilities.

AAST Administrative support

AAST Administrative support

– Pr. Sif-Eddine Amara

– M. Rabeh Latreche Bouteldja

– M. Abdelghani Baouche

–  Mrs Kamira Daoudi

General information

General information

Hosting conference place: The conference will take place in Algiers (capital of Algeria) in the Mazafran complex in Zeralda.

Dates: From Sunday 20 to Thursday 24 April 2025. Arrival from Saturday 19 April 2025.

Chairs of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Chairs of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

– Pr. Azzedine BOUSSEKSOU

– Pr. Nourredine BENALI-CHERIF

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Dr. Bendeif El-Eulmi

Synchrotron Soleil, France

Dr. Benali-Cherif Rim Abbes Laghrour Khenchela University, Algeria

Pr. Merazig Hocine

Constantine 1 University, Algeria

Pr. Taibi Kamel

Pr. Amara Sifeddine

M. Baouche Abdelghani

Mrs Daoudi Kamira

USTHB, Algeria

AAST, Algeria

AAST, Algeria

AAST, Algeria

Pr. Chouiyeh Abdelkader

Mostaganem University, Algeria
Pr. Benabbes Abderrahim

Bouira University, Algeria

Pr. Bounar Nedjmeddine

Jijel University, Algeria
Pr. Bouchouit Karim

ENS Constantine, Algeria

Pr. Cherouana Aouatef

Constantine 1 University, Algeria

Dr. Djeghri Assia

USTHB University, Algeria
Pr. Bendjedou Lamia

Constantine 1 University, Algeria

Pr. Benmenni Laeila

Dr. Falek Wahiba

Tlemcen University, Algeria

Abbes Laghrour Khenchela University, Algeria

Pr. Amolo George

Nairobi Technical University, Kenya

Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee

Pr. Kenfack Tsobnang Patrice

Pr. Bacchi Alessia

Dr. Bendeif El-Eulmi

Pr. Bourne Susan

Dr. Dabkowska H.A.

Pr. Daran Jean-Claude

Pr. Haynes Delia

Pr. Merazig Hocine

Dr. Benali-cherif Rim

Pr. Benali-Cherif Nourredine

Pr. Bousseksou Azzedine

Pr. Samraoui Boudjéma

Pr. Khenata Rabah

Pr. Ouzegane Khadidja

Pr. Abderrahmane Tadjeddine

Pr. Taleb Ibrahimi Amina

Pr. Lecomte Claude

Dr. Odari Victor

Pr. Porcher Florence

Pr. Thalal Abdelmalek

Dr. Ziki Eric

Chair of the Program Committee

Parma University, Italy

Synchrotron-Soleil, Orsay France.

IUCr & Cape Town University, South Africa

IUCr past president, Mac Master University, Canada

LCC-CNRS Toulouse, France

AfCA President & Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Constantine 1 University, Algeria

PCCr4 Secretary

AAST and Jijel University – Algeria

AAST and LCC-CNRS Toulouse – France

AAST and Annaba University – Algeria

AAST & Mascara University – Algeria

AAST & USTHB – Algeria

AAST, Algeria

Synchrotron-Soleil Director, Orsay France

Nancy University, France

MMUST University, Kakamega, Kenya

Atomic energy, CEA Saclay, France

Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, MoroccoUniversité Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Côte d’ivoire

Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee

Pr. Kara Mohamed Hichem

Pr. Bouhicha Mohamed

Pr. Laraba-Djebari Fatima

Pr. Bekka Ahmed

AAST President & Annaba University – Algeria

General Director of DGRSDT-MESRS – Algeria

AAST and USTHB – Algeria

UST Oran, Algeria (ACA President)

Pr. Dickson Andala Multimedia University of Kenya (AFCAEC member)
Pr. Makoto Fujita Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Pr. Tsobnang Kenfack Patrice University of Dschang, Cameroon (AFCA Vice-President)
Pr. Rachida Dorbez-Sridi Monastir University, Tunisia
Pr. Zema Michele Bari University, Italy (IUCr Executive Outreach Office)
Pr. Kamel Sihem Cairo University, Egypt (AFCAEC member)
Pr. Camara Magatte Assane Seck de Ziguinchor University, Senegal (CSA President)

Scholarship Committee

Scholarship Committee

Pr. Bousseksou Azzedine Chair of the LOC AAST and LCC-CNRS Toulouse, France
Pr. Lecomte Claude IUCR Africa Initiative & Nancy University, France
Pr. Haynes Delia AFCA President & Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr. Mehlana Gift AFCA Secretary & Midlands State University  Zimbabwe
Dr. Bendief El-Eulmi Synchrotron-Soleil;Orsay France.
Dr. Benali-Cherif Rim PCCr4 Secretary and AFCA treasurer Khenchela University


The PCCr4 Conference will be under the auspices of the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology. It also have the support of:

          Algerian Crystallographic Association,

          African Crystallographic Association

          European Crystallographic Association

          Senegalese Association of Crystallography

          Mauritanian Chemical Society


Information about the venue

Algeria is a North African country and the biggest one in the continent with a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea and desert interior, the Sahara. Algeria is a great country for the richness of its history and culture that can be discovered by visiting the different Algerian towns. The Algerian population is very warm and hospitable. Algeria also has important naturals sets. A land with impressive contrasts. From the Numides to the Arab through the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals and Byzantines, Algeria has always attracted desires. Algeria tends to make you discover a long forgotten heritage.


Capital: Algiers

Area: 2.382 million km2

Calling code: +213

Currency: Algerian Dinar

Population: 46.7 Millions

Official languages: Arabic and Tamazight



Algerian cuisine is characterized by a wealth derived from land and sea production. It is a Mediterraneanand North African cuisine based on Berber cuisine. It offers a variety of dishes depending on the regionand the season, which gives a very diverse culinary palette. This cuisine, which uses a multitude ofproducts, remains the same as vegetables and cereals, which have always been abundantly produced in the country.


Some traditional Algerian meals

The conference will take place in the complex Mazafran hotel in Zeralda. Mazafran hotel offers all the ingredients of a real exoticism due to its tourist complex built by the famous architect Pouillon during the 70s, which shelters real floral hotel. The Mazafran which has found a quality standard due to its modernization, thus deserving its 3 stars +. It offers from its terraces a magnificent view of the azure. With 446 spacious and comfortable rooms and suites, divided into different blocks, half of which have a view of the Mediterranean. In addition, it contains several conference rooms. Details on Mazafran complex can be found by following this link and also in this Youtube video

Information about the place

The city is secure, anyone can move freely and safely anytime.

Information on passport, visa requirements

Algeria has diplomatic relations with all African countries. Any citizen of an African country can have a visa for Algeria. For more information, please contact the Algerian Embassy in your country. Many African countries in Africa have a direct flight to Algeria: South Africa – Tunisia – Egypt – Côte d’Ivoire – Mali – Mauritania – Senegal.

Information on climate and weather conditions

Average temperatures fluctuate from 17° (January) to 33° (August). The sea temperature varies from 15° to 25°. The rainiest period is November to February. We recommend visiting Algiers during the period from April to October with a preference for the spring season (March – June).

Financial plan

Currency exchange: 1EUR = 146,72DZD (DZD: Algerian Dinars)

Note: This exchange currency is fluctuating

MDZD: Million Algerian Dinars

Conference package:

Registration fees for international participants

Category Early Bird (EUR) Regular (EUR) Late/Onsite (EUR)
Student 200 250 300
Academia 400 450 500
Industry 500 550 600

 Registration fees include 5 nights’ accommodation in the Mazafran hotel + 4 breakfasts + 4 lunches + all coffee breaks + Transportation round trip from Houari Boumediene International Airport to the conference venue.

Registration fees for national participants

Category EarlyBird(DZD) Regular(DZD) Late/Onsite(DZD)
Student 25000 30000 35000
Academia 50000 55000 60000
Industry 80000 85000 90000

Registration fees include 5 nights’ accommodation in the Mazafran hotel + 4 breakfasts + 4 lunches + all coffee breaks.


Category EarlyBird(DZD) Regular(DZD) Late/Onsite(DZD)
Student 15000 20000 25000
Academia 30000 35000 40000
Industry 50000 55000 60000

Registration fees include 4 lunches +all coffee breaks.

Proposed content for the conference

The social and scientific programs will be proposed by the local and scientific committees to the AFCA executive committee, which will validate. The first day will be dedicated to the opening and the presentation of general crystallography conferences for a wide audience. Retracing the history of crystallography, its evolution and its importance in research and industry.

The program of the congress will includes plenary conferences, oral and poster presentations and workshops as decided by the scientific committee.

Social activities

Gala Dinner in Tipaza with free afternoon (30 euro)

Guided tour of the Kasbah (15 euro)

The Casbah of Algiers


Tipaza and its historical heritage