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Design and Implementation of Intelligent Machines

Dr. Djamel Bouchaffra is currently a Director of Research at the Center for Development of Advanced Technologies (CDTA). He is the Head of the ASM Division and the Lead of the Design and Implementation of Intelligent Machines Group (DIIM). 

He was Associate Director of CDTA from September 2017 to May 2018. Prior to these positions, Dr. Djamel Bouchaffra was a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at Grambling State University (Louisiana, USA). He was an Assistant Professor at Oakland University (Michigan, USA). Prior to this appointment, he held a position of Senior Research Scientist at the “Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition” (CEDAR) located at The State University of New York at Buffalo.

He was a Technical Lead of different research groups in several federally sponsored projects. He started his academic position at Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble (France). Dr. Bouchaffra has been selected as the recipient of the Oakland University Teaching Excellence Award and the recipient of the School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award for 2004. His field of research includes Artificial Intelligence focused on Pattern Recognition Machine Learning, and Topological Data Analysis. He served as a scientific evaluator for NASA (ADP Program: Data Analysis and Astrophysics, Washington DC).

Professor Bouchaffra is serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of “Pattern Recognition”, Elsevier. He is listed in the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who in America. He has published a significant number of papers in prestigious journals and conferences. He also holds several patents: To acquire more information about his accomplishments, refer to: